A Week to Rest and Reflect

Thanksgiving Week at CCCC

“It seems Thanksgiving Day is upon us.” – Charlie Brown

From “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving”

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Or rather… Happy Black Friday! I hope you are enjoying a restful holiday week up to this point and are being safe if the holiday shopping bug has bitten you. The campus is currently closed for student/faculty break and will resume on Monday for the final few weeks of classes before the semester ends.

This time of year, I am always humbled by the blessings in my life as I reflect upon them. My family and friends always top the list; it’s insane how a group of people can lead to loss of sanity yet keep you grounded simultaneously. One of the biggest blessings in my life the past two years has been the Sustainable Ag program here at CCCC. Not only have I met some fantastic people with a diverse background and incredible ways of problem solving, but also the educators which have imparted invaluable skills and knowledge to me and for that I am thankful.

A prime example of how important this program is can be seen here.

Pictured on the left are the beautiful rows of lettuce and salad greens saved from freezing temperatures earlier this week, thanks to one our hoop houses and plastic cover protection.

Having season extension tools available on the farm paired with a knowledgeable farm manager means we can enjoy delicious, fresh produce year-round outside of their normal production climates.

Students in the program are able to learn and see in real-time what these skills can do for them so when they graduate, they can feel confident in themselves and what they can accomplish.

Enjoy the remainder of your holiday and stay safe out there. Don’t forget to reflect on your blessings this week and every week because nothing lasts forever and nothing is guaranteed.

– Jess T.

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