Harvest Grace! Our Fledgling CSA Spreads its Wings

This week on the Student Farm we pulled our production focus into harvesting, cleaning and packing our 30 person CSA. Pictured above is the leafy-bulk of these first boxes including the edible beauty of the Hon Tsai Tai flower!

Two Varieties of bock choy graced our boxes this week. Along with red Russian Kale and Mizune- a flavorful and whimsical maroon mustard green, tatsoi and spring onions (being bundled and loved up with cleansing water, pictured below)

Around the corner, On the Horizon…

Tomato Production in FULL SWING (pun intended)

Our beneficials and beautifiers are also proliferating. Pictured below is Comfrey in blossom. Comfrey is a wonderful herb to get to know and perhaps have handy for your Personal Apothecary. Comfrey’s leaves are incredibly mucilaginous and contain substances that help skin regrow, including allantoin, rosmarinic acid, and tannins. It is so effective in treating wounds that it is best only to use on scrapes, burns and shallow cuts to avoid trapping bacteria under new skin. A gentle way to implement Comfrey is to bruise the leaves and use them as a natural bandage to wrap your wound. Salves can also be made. Perhaps a future herbal component to CSA is in the future! Stay tuned.

Eva Giorgi

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