This Week on the Farm 3/29/20- 4/5/20

We harvested bolting brassicas and rapini (the top section of brassicas that have already started to flower) in the hoop house. Toscano kale is the kale variety that tends to bolt first.

Bolting Champion collards
Bolting Toscano kale

James moved soil and graded block 3 to improve issues with pooling water and poor drainage.

We worked in the asparagus bed harvesting Jersey Giant asparagus and weeding bindweed, a common vine-like weed in the Convolvulaceae family that wraps itself tightly around crops.

Bindweed is a dreaded warm season weed.

Several volunteers planted flat green Italian beans in Hoop House A. The beans were planted around bolting kale plants which will be cut at the roots and removed in the next few weeks.

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